Vara earns a job she really loves

July 9, 2020

Vara, a recent high school graduate gained some great experience after she joined the Mount Druitt SLES (School Leave Employment Support) program. 

Being unsure of what to do when she finished school, with the help of her mum and NDIS funding, learning new skills to gain employment and making friends sounded like a great next step!

The Mount Druitt SLES program assisted Vara to gain, develop and refine a combination of employability skills including numeracy, literacy, travel training, time management, general packaging and loads more. A personalised program was designed to support Vara to reach her goals, with a mixture of blended learning environments such as practical work experience, one to one learning supports and interactive group training sessions.


Independence and work skills put into practice

After completing the SLES program Vara achieved her NDIS goal of getting a job and is now employed with Sunnyfield Enterprises Mt Druitt. Vara’s independence and work skills are put into practice each day counting and sorting, packing, labelling new products, boxes and shippers, whilst keeping her work station clean and ready to tackle the next project with her new work mates!

“I think it’s is super good, that I am working now!”

For more information about Sunnyfield School Leaver Employment Support (SLES) Program, contact our friendly team today on T 1300 588 688 or E

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