Sunnyfield Members
Our members are a strong community dedicated to supporting people with disability to achieve their goals and aspirations. We encourage all families, carers, and guardians to become members.
Sunnyfield Members
Membership Form
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Change of details Form
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Sunnyfield Members
Families, carers and guardians are an important part of Sunnyfield, as a family-based and Member founded organisation, we have a very strong community dedicated to supporting people with disability to achieve their goals and aspirations. We encourage all families, carers and guardians to become Members.
As a Member of Sunnyfield you can
- Belong to the Sunnyfield Members Auxiliary Group
- Attend Sunnyfield’s Annual General Meeting (AGM)
- Attend regular industry updates about the NDIS and changes in state and federal funding
- Receive regular updates about the work Sunnyfield is doing
- Provide regular feedback to Sunnyfield staff to assist in improving our services
- Support Sunnyfield’s Fundraising and Volunteering activities
- Assist Supported Employees in their workplace committees
- Be invited to take part in voting rights for Sunnyfield Board Directors
- Join in and participate in Sunnyfield Member Auxiliaries
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About Sunnyfield Membership
Any family member or guardian of a Sunnyfield client can apply to Sunnyfield’s Board to become a Member. Members have a voice in the direction and governance of Sunnyfield with voting rights at the Sunnyfield Annual General Meeting (AGM).
Sunnyfield is a Public Company limited by guarantee and regulated by ASIC. Sunnyfield’s Board consists of 10 Directors: 3 are Sunnyfield Members and 7 are Non-Member Directors.
How to apply
To access Sunnyfield’s Membership Form click on the link in the left hand panel.
If you would like to discuss Sunnyfield Membership please contact the Company Secretary
Sunnyfield Constitution
To access Sunnyfield’s Constitution click on the link below.
Sunnyfield Life Members
Life Members
- 1997 Mr J.A. Coye
- 2004 Mr M. B. Whiddon OAM
- 2007 Mrs J. Hay AM
- 2007 Mr N. Shepherd
- 2014 Mr J. Casson
- 2014 Mr L. Draney
- 2014 Mr B Mendham
- 2015 Ms D. Cook
- 2015 Mr C. Howells
- 2015 Mr F. Renwick
- 2016 Mr A. Holswich
- 2017 Mr J. Connell
- 2017 Mr J. Harston
- 2018 Ms J. Mendham
- 2019 Mr M. Park
- 2020 Ms H. Milnes
- 2020 Dr J. Carter
2021 Ms Mel Hammel
2021 Mr Keith Foldi
2021 Mr Ron Palmer
- 2022 Mr Ross Rathmell
- 2023 Ms Patricia McKenzie
- 2023 Mr Tom Pockett
Life Members who have passed
- 1957 Mrs H.A. Whiddon MBE
- 1959 Mr J.H. Brown
- 1967 Mr F.C. Whiddon
- 1974 Miss S. O’Hanlon
- 1974 Mrs E.B. Rundle
- 1984 Mr W.A. Brackenridge
- 1984 Mr N.H. Henderson MBE, OAM, VRD, RFB, JP
- 1984 Mrs M.R. Griffiths
- 1989 Mrs B.A. Frost
- 1989 Mr P.A. Grace
- 1992 Mr T.B. Griffiths
- 1992 Mr R.S. Ruthven
- 1994 Mr R.S. Joice
- 1997 Mr M.G. Eve
- 2000 Mrs M. Baston
- 2000 Mrs J. Piggott
- 2000 Miss B. Symonds
- 2016 Mr R. Jones
- 2021 Mr Keith Foldi
- 2004 Mr M. B. Whiddon OAM
Sunnyfield AGM Minutes 2023
Membership Form
Click here to download.
Change of details Form
Click here to download.