Kyle shares his story

September 12, 2018

Kyle is an aspiring writer who has a huge passion to share his story. Kyle has loved writing for as long as he can remember and has set himself the goal to one day have his works published. At 17 years old Kyle has already crafted several pieces as part of his working collection to make his dream a reality.

“I am very imaginative, I write about things I see, I write about many different things all the time.” Kyle.

Since accessing Sunnyfield’s Tweed Heads Community Services Hub, Kyle uses this time and space as one of his writing havens and a source of inspiration for his autobiography. “For a long time I have wanted to write my personal story, and this is what I am working on now. I don’t need a quiet place all the time, but being here gives me ideas and staff help me write things down or type for me.”

“Writing is such a powerful tool for self-expression, to be part of his journey and deliver supports that will cultivate and engage Kyle as an aspiring writer is wonderful.” Patty Foulds, Regional Manager Tweed Heads.

Community Services

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