Sunnyfield Planning Tools
Enriching the lives of people with disability by creating choice, opportunities and skills for life.Sunnyfield has two free tools for Sunnyfield clients, families, carers and NDIS participants to access and use. You do not need to be a current client of Sunnyfield and there is no obligation to have a relationship with Sunnyfield after using these tools.
Person-centred Planning Tool
This tool is ideal for whole-of-life planning and will assist you to communicate your current services and supports, goals, aspirations and future needs with the Local Area Coordinator (LAC) and/or NDIA Planner.
You may also want to use this tool if you are a new entrant to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and have not previously received funded supports and services.
'My First Plan' Preparation Tool
Sunnyfield’s Preparation Tool is designed for people who are currently receiving funded services from Ageing Disability and Home Care (ADHC) to prepare for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).
The Preparation Tool can assist you in communicating your current funded services, identify any immediate gaps in your supports and capture future goals so that you are prepared for your ‘My First Plan’ under the NDIS.
Person-centred Planning
Click here to access the tool.
'My First Plan' Preparation
Click here to access the tool.